Mood shifters are practices you engage in to take your current mood to a higher frequency. Write a list of mood shifters in your journal and put a post-it tab on the page or fold down the corner so you can find the page quicker when you need it! Below are some suggestions to help you with your list. Use these but also add ones that are unique to you. Build your list as you desire.
Notice through the week what shifts your mood to peaceful or happy or grateful. Take the time to add these to your mood shifters list, giving yourself more solutions to choose from when those low frequency moments come around.
The goal is to lift your frequency just a little. You are not trying to go from a deep low to an immediate high. Gracefully acknowledge that you are not expected to be at a high all the time. But when you want to feel better than the low you are experiencing, you will have your list available to assist you. Here are 30+ suggestions to get you started.
Cuddle with a pet
Hug someone
Take a walk
Take 5 deep breaths
Use aromatherapy – (your sense of smell is connected to your emotional state, choose a scent that resonates with you, that you enjoy and the smell of it makes you close your eyes, or brings in a rush of pleasant memories) suggestions: lemon, peppermint, lavender, basil, vanilla, cinnamon, sandalwood, frankincense, blueberry, strawberry
Watch a comedy
Read a happy book
Paint, draw, color
Write a prayer for someone you love
Make a snack from your childhood
Listen to happy music
Do something nice for someone
Write a gratitude list of 3 or more items
Watch a motivational video (do a YouTube search)
Write a paragraph of how the day would go if you had magic powers
Make a cozy bed and take a nap
Find a new meditation podcast
Get outside
Burn sage throughout your space
Sit in the sunshine
Put on perfume/cologne
Dress up
Write a short story
Make a playlist of your favorite dance tunes
Watch a few music videos that make you want to dance
Go to the park and watch nature
Make a cup of hot chocolate
Cook a favorite meal
Clean something that’s been lingering on your to-do list
Add eating chocolate to any of the above activities 😊