September is my New Year because August is my birth month. Beginning this year, I am setting quarterly growth goals in the spirit of New Year resolutions/goals. I chose quarterly as the time span because I feel this is a healthy time period for making changes and staying focused, more so than yearlong goals. With yearlong goals the months start running together for me, and before you know it the ball has literally been dropped! With quarterly goals I am looking forward to a more dedicated focus, easier measurability, and a quicker correct and turnaround time if anything starts slipping through the cracks.
Setting goals each quarter provides me the structure I need to stay mindful, on course and not get overwhelmed. It’s how I infuse self-care into goal setting. It allows me to learn what is and isn’t working and adjust for the next quarter, with a lot less guilt and judgement.
My quarterly break down looks like this:
Quarter One – Sept/Oct/Nov
Quarter Two – Dec/Jan/Feb
Quarter Three – Mar/Apr/May
Quarter Four – June/July/Aug
I begin my quarterly goals by focusing on four main areas, listing up to three primary goals for each:
Self-Care –
- Goal #1
- Goal #2
- Goal #3
Relationships –
- Goal #1
- Goal #2
- Goal #3
Business –
- Goal #1
- Goal #2
- Goal #3
Quality of Life –
- Goal #1
- Goal #2
- Goal #3
I know there are detailed goal setting guidelines that go further telling you to set a deadline for each goal, list the steps you will take to accomplish each, and even going into looking at the things that could prevent you from reaching the goal. I simply stick to 3 elements:
Timeline - Three months
Goal - The 12 or less goals for these four areas
Measurability – Defining execution of the goal by a number, % increase, or range as applicable to the goal
Since the timeline for all is three months, I only need to focus on the other two elements.
An example for my Quality-of-Life section would look like this:
Quality of Life –
- Goal #1 – Travel more
- Measurability: Travel for pleasure to 2 new places, staying 2+ days
I would continue this process for all four areas, some may have one to two goals, others may have three goals. But the cap is three!
Here’s what a completed Self-Care section might look like.
Self-Care –
- Find a therapist
- By 9/5 have selected and had first session with therapist, have at least 2 sessions each month
- More writing time
- Schedule time dedicated to writing for at least 3 hrs. weekly and WRITE! Keep log of time weekly.
- Nap more often!
- Keep a log of the times you stop to rest when your body needs it. Have a small celebration when I get to 10.
Some goals may continue to the next quarter, some might change or be replaced with new ones. It’s all up to what is transpiring in my life, and what I want to see show up differently. I always give yourself the freedom to adjust as needed to better fit me. As I learn better, it only makes sense to do better! I feel free to discover what works best for me, and use that knowledge wisely.
So, when you hear me say “Happy New Year” in September you know what I mean! You might want to use your birthdate as the signal of a year ending and a new one beginning. And if you choose to use quarterly goals to maintain more focus, that would be awesome! I hope this helps you design your life in a more intentional and successful way.
Thanks for stopping by!